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The Power of Attorney: A Must-Have for College-Bound Kids

It’s that time of the year again, when our children are starting to say goodbye to their summer vacation and gear up for a new school year.

It’s around this time when many parents will take their kids off to college to help them get settled, purchase books and other necessities. Among those necessities should be a Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and Living Will.

Helping your child leave home for college can be a difficult transitional period for most parents and children. Although they are not living at home for the most part, they are still being financially and emotionally supported by you throughout their college years.

Despite the continued dependence, legally once your child turns 18 they are considered an adult. This means that as a parent, you lose the legal authority to make financial and health care decisions for them, access their medical information, represent them in certain transactions, and manage their financial affairs.

It can be even more complicated when your child goes away to school and there is distance between you. Without access to your child’s medical records, you are helpless to help them when they may lack the foresight and ability to make decisions alone.

Having a Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, and Living Will in place for your child before they leave for school is crucial in the event of an emergency. With these advanced directives in place you will be legally able to step in and provide the help your child may need, and will be able to have some peace of mind during a difficult time in your life and your child’s.

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