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They eat, sleep and exercise with us.  They are there to celebrate our accomplishments and right by our side to provide comfort and reassurance in our times of need.  They are family! You plan for yourself, your spouse, children and parents, so why wouldn’t you also plan for your pet?

According to the ASPCA, 66% of households in the U.S. have pets – that is higher than the percentage of household with children! Yet, the law unfortunately considers our furry little loyalists as property, not family, so we cannot leave them financial assets or property.

Pets provide so much unconditional love and support during our lives, the last thing we would want to do is to leave them without someone to care for them once we are gone.  We plan now and provide for them through human intermediaries!

You have a few options – here are two:

  • Pet Trust – You can nominate a loving caregiver for your pet and set aside some money for that person to provide continued care for your pet.
  • Your Will or Trust – Name a caregiver for your pet and/or earmark funds to be given to that caregiver for the sole purpose of caring for your pet.

Call our office, we’re here to help!

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