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Family Comes First: Operation Babylift

Family Comes First: Operation BabyliftOver the past nine seasons of Family Comes First™, we have been blessed to meet amazing individuals and families with extraordinary stories. Often on our show, we like to follow up with a former guest to update our viewers as to where they are now.

On this brand new episode of Family Comes First™, “Operation Babylift,” we reacquaint you with Lana Noone. Lana was on our show back in 2009, during the second season of Family Comes First™.  Lana and her late husband, Byron, were pioneers for international adoption on Long Island, New York in the 70s.

Previously, when Lana joined us, she shared that since she was unable to have a baby of her own, she and her husband decided to adopt. They, ultimately, adopted a baby from a foreign country since the wait for an American baby was approximately two years; she couldn’t fathom being childless for any longer.

On this new episode, Lana shares with us her mission, to spread the word about Operation Babylift. Operation Babylift was heavily involved in the evacuation of 10,300 babies and children from Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. Lana has been involved in many efforts to unite those involved in the Babylift. She has written a book about her family and Operation Babylift, as well as co-written a play, “Children of the April Rain.”

Tune in to Telecare on Monday, January 30, 2017 at 10:30 pm to watch this brand new episode. In case you miss it, each episode also airs on Tuesdays at 9:30 am; Wednesdays at 1:30 pm; and Fridays at 1:30 pm.

Family Comes First™ airs exclusively on Telecare TV – Cablevision Channels 29 and 137; Time Warner Channels 106 (Manhattan) and 471 (Queens); or Verizon FiOS TV Channel 296.

For more on Family Comes First™, please follow us on Facebook, or visit our Family Comes First™ website at

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