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Webinar for Health Care Professionals: “How to Navigate a Hospital Discharge”

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Kim N. Christian, Esq. welcomes Jack Halpern, Elder Care Advocate, to share information on key factors to consider when planning for a successful discharge from a hospital or skilled nursing facility. They will also answer any questions you may have. We will discuss the following topics: Federal and State rules regarding proper discharge planning The…

Webinar for Financial Planners: “How to Keep Fiduciary Clients Out of Hot Water”

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Eric J. Einhart, Esq. welcomes you to his upcoming webinar on, “How to Keep Fiduciary Clients Out of Hot Water”, where he will discuss the due care and due diligence required of a fiduciary, types of misfeasance and malfeasance that commonly get fiduciaries into trouble, reviewing documents to identify important provisions, when is judicial intervention…

Peace of Mind Members Only Webinar

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Please join Frank Melia with Contour Mortgage, and Deanna Eble, Esq., on July 25th for their exclusive Peace of Mind Members Only webinar on "Reverse Mortgages" where Frank will share…

Law School for Social Workers: “Eligibility and Planning for Community Medicaid”

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Partner Diana Lattanzio, Esq. welcomes you to her upcoming Law School for Social Workers webinar “Eligibility and Planning for Community Medicaid,” where she will provide insights on the status of the ever changing Medicaid laws and the current eligibility rules. She will also answer any questions you may have. Diana will address topics such as:…

Free Webinar: “How to Protect Yourself in a Crisis”

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Kim N. Christian, Esq., Partner with Russo Law Group, invites you to her upcoming webinar “How to Protect Yourself in a Crisis!”. Kim will discuss what your options are in…

Law School for Social Workers: “Planning for the New Year!”

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Kim N. Christian welcomes you to her Law School for Social Workers webinar on “Planning for the New Year!” where she will provide insights on creating a comprehensive estate plan today and into the future. She will also answer any questions you may have. Kim will discuss the following topics: How To Create a Comprehensive…

Free Webinar: “What is Your Spouse Good For?”

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Kim N. Christian welcomes you to her upcoming webinar, “What is Your Spouse Good For?”, where she will provide insights on the various benefits the law offers if you are…

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