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Hipoteca Inversa: Puede que no sea lo que parece

A reverse mortgage is a mortgage loan, usually secured over residential real property, which enables the borrower to access the equity value of the property.  Specifically, it is a financial agreement in which a homeowner relinquishes equity in their home in exchange for regular payments or a lump sum of money based largely on the value of the house, the age of the homeowner(s), and current interest rates.  These loans are typically promoted to older homeowners (62 years of age and older) as a means of supplementing retirement income.

Unlike a traditional mortgage, in which principal declines as you pay down the loan, with a reverse mortgage, the amount owed rises over time as interest on the loan accrues.  Furthermore, while all mortgages have costs, reverse mortgage fees, such as the interest rate, loan origination fee, mortgage insurance fee, appraisal fee, title insurance fees, and various other closing costs, are high when compared to a traditional mortgage—and these costs are typically rolled back into the loan.  That said, reverse mortgages usually do not require monthly mortgage payments.  Rather, the loan is required to be paid back only once the last surviving homeowner dies, sells the house, or permanently moves out.

Aunque las hipotecas inversas pueden ser una gran ayuda para los propietarios de edad avanzada que necesitan un flujo de caja adicional, pueden ser, por desgracia, una pesadilla para los herederos del propietario de la vivienda. Cuando el propietario fallece, ya sea con testamento o sin él (intestado), la vivienda pasa a sus legatarios o herederos, respectivamente. El fiduciario de la herencia del propietario fallecido tiene las siguientes opciones:

  1. Paga el préstamo;
  2. Compra la casa al prestamista al 95% de su valor;
  3. Vender la casa y utilizar los ingresos de la venta para pagar el préstamo;
  4. Escriturar la casa al prestamista; o
  5. No hacer nada y dejar que el prestamista ejecute la hipoteca de la casa.

Si el valor de la vivienda es inferior al capital y los intereses del préstamo, el prestamista no puede reclamar el saldo restante del préstamo al patrimonio del propietario fallecido ni a sus herederos. En su lugar, se pagará al prestamista la totalidad del producto de la venta de la casa y se considerará satisfecha la hipoteca inversa.

Si el valor de la vivienda es superior al capital y los intereses del préstamo, la parte del producto de la venta necesaria para satisfacer la hipoteca inversa se pagará al prestamista y el resto quedará en manos del patrimonio del propietario fallecido.

El fiduciario de la herencia del propietario fallecido sólo dispone de treinta (30) días a partir del fallecimiento del propietario para determinar qué opción le gustaría seguir con la hipoteca inversa y hasta seis (6) meses para organizar la financiación. Lamentablemente, muchos prestamistas no notifican a los fiduciarios sus derechos y, en su lugar, inician inmediatamente los procedimientos de ejecución hipotecaria al enterarse del fallecimiento del propietario. Además, muchos fiduciarios no son conscientes de que si la familia quiere conservar la casa, pueden pagar la hipoteca inversa o comprar la casa al prestamista por el 95% del valor de tasación.

Por estas razones, es importante que un fiduciario de una sucesión contrate a un abogado para que le asesore sobre las vías que puede tomar al tratar con una hipoteca inversa de un propietario fallecido.

Elegir y trabajar con un bufete de abogados puede ser estresante. A menudo no sabe cuál es el proceso, cuánto le costará y si el bufete podrá ayudarle. Para sentirse seguro de su elección y saber que su confianza no es errónea, debe buscar mucho más.
Nuestro equipo de abogados especializados en derecho de la tercera edad, planificación patrimonial y necesidades especiales (discapacidad) ha representado a ancianos y personas con necesidades especiales/discapacidades y a sus familias desde 1985. En la mayoría de las ocupaciones profesionales no hay reemplazo para la experiencia. En Russo Law Group, P.C., nuestro personal atento y compasivo ha estado involucrado en literalmente miles de casos. Nuestra experiencia es su protección.
He aquí algunas razones.

Esta entrada tiene 7 comentarios

  1. Todo tiene sus pros y sus contras. Hay algunas situaciones en las que la hipoteca inversa resulta ser problemática. Especialmente durante el propietario de la muerte bajo cuyo nombre se toma la hipoteca, Se lleva a un montón de problemas de otro modo hipotecas inversas son buenos para los propietarios de viviendas de edad avanzada.

  2. Hi, I appreciate any advice you can give. I have an immediate issue if you can help. I would like to come in to see you, but our expenses are so high now, it may improve in the coming months, but we have an immediate issue. If you have 5 minutes to review the below issue, my email is [email protected]. thank you.

    We have a reverse mortgage, my mother had to go to rehab a few months ago, she is due to come back home in a few weeks, the reverse mortgage sent a form in the mail, called an Annual occupancy certificate, they are asking us to sign it, I believe their intent is to call the loan as she has been out of the house for a few months, but I am suspicious as I don’t recall getting this in the mail last year, someone may have told them she was in the rehab, what can they do to us? If they call the loan, we are forced to sell then. I am also trying to refinance the mortgage as their interest is so high, $900 a month, it seems like predatory lending practice they are guilty of, how can we defend ourselves? How do I trust their intent? If we refinance, will the next mortgage company take thousands away from us as well as the first one did? We had to use a reverse mortgage as we had $90k in medical and home care bills, actually much more. So, we had no choice, but there has got to be a better way to take care of the elderly at home. If you can email me and let me know what I should tell the mortgage company, should I sign the document? it’s a basic occupancy certificate, but if I sign it, they may find out she was out of the house and then they can sue us for not disclosing she was out of the house. I don’ think this is fair, no matter what we try to do, there is something that is trying to take something from us, and all we are trying to do is stay in the house, hopefully for another year and a half. Thanks for any advice.

    1. Thank you for your email. If you are still in need of assistance, we are available to assist you. Please contact me at (516) 683-1717 or via email at [email protected] and I will arrange for a meeting with one of our experienced attorneys. I will also address any questions that you may have regarding our legal services. I look forward to hearing from you.
      Please Note: This reply is informational only and not legal advice. You should seek the services of an attorney for legal advice.

      Janet Corsetti, Coordinadora del Servicio de Atención al Cliente

    1. Thank you for your email.

      We have a Reverse Mortgage Pamphlet you might be interested in on our website. You can sign up to receive it on the home page under the “Resources” tab. You will then see a drop down of choices, and you can click on “Informational Pamphlets”.

      If you would like to arrange for an appointment with one of our attorneys, we are available to assist you.
      I will address any questions you may have regarding our legal services. Please feel free to contact our office at 516-683-1717.

      Please Note: This reply is informational only and not legal advice. You should seek the services of an attorney for legal advice.

      Sincerely Yours
      Janet Corsetti, Client Service Coordinator

    1. Gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros.

      There are many aspects involved with a retirement plan. Therefore, we would need to have a more detailed discussion to properly advise you.
      If you are interested in meeting with one of our experienced attorneys, please contact the office at (516) 683-1717 and ask to speak with one of our intake coordinators to arrange for a meeting. We will also answer any questions you may have regarding our services and legal fees.

      Please Note: This reply is informational only and not legal advice. You should seek the services of an attorney for legal advice.

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