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Plan Information

Aetna Better Health

55 West 125th St., Ste. 1300 New York, NY 10027
(855) 456-9126 |

AgeWell New York

1991 Marcus Ave., Ste. M201, Lake Success, NY 11042
(866) 586–8044 |

ArchCare Community Life

33 Irving Place, 11th Fl., New York, NY 10003
(855) 467–9351 |

Catholic Health–LIFE PACE Medicaid

55 Melroy Ave., Lackawanna, NY 14218
(716) 819–5064

CenterLight Healthcare PACE

1250 Waters Place, Tower 1, Ste. 602, Bronx, NY 10461
(877) 226–8500

Centers Plan for Healthy Living

75 Vanderbilt Ave., 7th Fl., Staten Island, NY 10304
(855) 270–1600 |

Elderplan, Inc.

6323 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11220
(866) 362–4265 |

Empire BlueCross BlueShield HealthPlus MLTC (formerly HealthPlus, an Amerigroup Company)

9 Pine St., 14th Fl., New York, NY 10005
(800) 950–7679 |

Extended MLTC, LLC

360 West 31st St., Ste. 304, New York, NY 10001
(855) 299–6492 |

Zidelis Care at Home

95–25 Queens Blvd, Rego Park, NY 11374
(800) 688–7422 |

Healthfirst CompleteCare

100 Church St., 18th Fl., New York, NY 10007
(888)260–1010 |–materials/2018–medicare–plan–materials/

Healthfirst AbsoluteCare

860 Hard Rd., Webster, NY 14580
(844) 424–7253 |

Integra MLTC, Inc.

1981 Marcus Avenue, Ste. 100, Lake Success, NY 11042
(855) 800–4683 |

MetroPlus MLTC

160 Water St., New York, NY 10038
(855) 355–6582 |–health–insurance/health–plans/metroplus–managed–long–term–care

Partners Health Plan

655 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017
(855) 747–5483


94 West 225th St., 2nd Fl., Bronx, NY 10463
(800) 370–3600 |

Senior Health Partners

100 Church St., 18th Fl., New York, NY 10007
(866) 585–9280 |–insurance/senior–health–partners/

Senior Whole Health of New York MLTC

111 Broadway, Ste. 1505, New York, NY 10006
(877) 353–0185

VNSNY CHOICE Managed Long Term Care

1250 Broadway, 11th Fl., New York, NY 10001
(866) 783–1444 |

Wellcare Advocate MLTC

One New York Plaza, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10004
(866) 661–1232 |

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