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What Happens to Nursing Home Residents During a Natural Disaster?

What Happens to Nursing Home Residents During a Natural Disaster?As the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Sandy approaches, it is important to remember the loss of life and brutal destruction that was left in the wake of its pathin order to be more prepared for the future.

Before the next devastating storm hits our shores, it is crucial to make sure we are ready to provide the appropriate relief to all residents, especially those within our most vulnerable populations, such as residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Recently, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a new rule establishing emergency preparedness requirements for healthcare providers participating in Medicare and Medicaid. The new rule is aimed at increasing patient safety during emergencies and establishing a more coordinated response to natural and man-made disasters.

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Organizational Apps That Help You Move & More!

Organizational Apps That Help You Move & More!Our practice produces many important documents for elderly clients. Clients may forget where these documents are located within their home, lose track of the documents’ location over the course of a move, or may pass on without sharing the actual documents (or their location) with their children, executor, or guardian.

There are a few smartphone apps that can assist individuals and families to keep track of important documents such as wills or advanced directives (healthcare proxy, etc.). This tool works in conjunction with the app’s ability to catalog the contents of entire homes. This umbrella function helps with ongoing organizational efforts as well as moving assistance.  

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Our Knowledge Is Your Knowledge

Our Knowledge Is Your KnowledgeWhen speaking with clients about the complicated Medicaid rules, availability, and exceptions, they often reply something like, “Wow, there’s so much to know.”

Clients come to us because we know the rules, and more importantly, we know the exceptions.

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Understanding Medicare: The Observation Status Glitch

Are Hospitals Required to Inform Patients About Medicare Observation Status?The federal government recently addressed a very expensive glitch in the systematic treatment of patients in hospitals throughout the country, which mandates that hospitals provide notice as to a patient’s observation status.

As we discussed in our blog post on May 31, 2013, “Status Does Matter: Observation v. Admission”, there is a big problem that many Medicare recipients have been facing: patients are footing the bill. The problem is that patients are footing the bill for rehabilitation services in a skilled nursing facility when they are under the impression that these services are covered by Medicare. At the heart of the problem is that the hospital never actually admitted the patient, and coded them with a status of “under observation.”

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Estate Planning: Addressing the Big Picture

Often times when clients make an appointment with our law firm, they have a very specific estate planning concern or issue. They may have a particular focus in mind, such as updating a will or avoiding probate. With a plethora of details to consider, it is often challenging for individuals to adequately address all aspects of their personal “big picture”, i.e. their complete estate.

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Preparing for the Winter: Legal Documents for Peace of Mind

You Don’t Need to Travel to Our Office to Get HelpUnless you have a crystal ball, it’s impossible to predict what the future holds. Should you become unable to make your own decisions, it is imperative to appoint someone to take care of your affairs and make healthcare decisions on your behalf.  Additionally, in order to ensure that your assets are passed on to your loved ones without problems, high legal fees and time delays, it is important to start your planning today.

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The Truth About Nursing Homes: Reasons to Consider

Don’t Assume Your Kids Will Take Care of You When You’re Old!The truth is, nursing homes are full of people who did not want to be there and whose families thought they never would.

As an elder law attorney, I often hear: “My mother will never end up in a nursing home,” or “I would never put my dad in a nursing home.”

It is all nice in theory. No one (myself included) wants to see their parents in a nursing home but, in most cases, the reasoning behind the decision is either financially driven or care-driven.

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