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Dear Kim and Jackie, About three years ago we went to a free seminar luncheon on Elder Care hosted by Russo Law Group. Kim Christian and Jacqueline Bergeron were in charge of running this seminar. At that time, we thought that we didn’t really need to plan, but after this seminar, we realized how little we knew and how much we needed to legally protect ourselves and our family. A year later, due to health reasons, we needed to get our affairs in order. I called Russo Law and set up a meeting with Kim Christian and Jackie Bergeron. These two women are a powerhouse of information, accuracy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, professionalism, efficiency and genuine concern. They walked us through a mountain of forms and after two months, we were presented with an organized binder of everything we needed, from new deeds, to trust accounts, to health proxies, to advanced directives, to powers of attorney. They stayed on the phone with one particular bank for easily two hours. We entrusted them with our financial and personal lives and they came through for us in a most comforting and professional manner. They also accommodated us when we had to meet with my two sons by coming to my house to facilitate the signing of many documents. Additionally, Russo Law has “sharefile”, which has all of our documents online and can be accessed via a password. Throughout the year, I had questions and willingly joined their Peace of Mind Program. This program offers worry-free maintenance of our estate plan for an annual fee, which bypasses our need for concern about extra fees. We can also transfer or gift our free one-hour attorney meeting to family member or friend. I would not hesitate for a second to recommend Kim Christian and Jacqueline Bergeron to take care of your estate planning and elder care needs. Sincerely and thank you.

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