Vincent J. Russo is the Legal Correspondent on CFN Live. He keeps you abreast of the latest legal developments including elder law, special needs and estate planning — all to help you make informed planning decisions to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your assets.
Vincent J. Russo appeared on CFN Live on June 7th to discuss “Important Legal Updates”
Vincent J. Russo will address the upcoming changes to NY Medicaid Home Care Program and the Durable Power of Attorney statute in NYS.
The Medicaid Home Care Program is an essential program for seniors and people with disabilities in New York.
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to designate an agent to make financial decisions on your behalf if and when it is necessary.
A comprehensive Durable Power of Attorney is a critical part of one’s estate plan to protect and preserve your assets. The changes to this law go into effect on June 13, 2021.
Vincent will go over these upcoming changes as they may have a significant impact on you or a family member. You do not want to miss this informative episode.
For more information on these topics and more, you can download for free our Planning Guides.