This originally aired on the Catholic Faith Network’s show CFN Live: Get Smart Even…
Today, caregivers are under great pressure to take care of their parents while taking care of themselves and their own families. For years, we have referred to these caregivers as members of the “Sandwich generation.”
As a planner, I always point out to my clients who are caregivers that they must take care of themselves first. This is a difficult challenge.
Carol Bradley Bursack in her recent article published at, highlights eight indicators of caregiver burnout.
They are:
- You experience unrelenting fatigue
- You get sick more frequently
- You lose your cool more often
- You begin withdrawing from your loved ones
- You have trouble finding happiness
- You become more prone to accidents
- You stop seeking information and support
- Caring for yourself doesn’t seem worthwhile
If you are in caregiver burn out mode, get some help.
As part of your commitment to your loved ones, you may need to make this commitment to yourself!
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