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La gente puede marcar la diferencia: Los Premios Theresa

It is a privilege each year for the Theresa Foundation to honor two individuals who have decided to take matters into their own hands and help those in need. On Abril 26th, the Theresa Foundation will be honoring Leo J Govoni of The Center for Special Needs Trust Administration, and John Ford, Esq, who is with Neighborhood Legal Services in Lynn , Massachusetts and a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).

Leo is the founder of The Center for Special Needs Trust Administration which is a non-profit organization that administers and manages Special Needs Pooled Trusts around the country. In 2009, Leo and his organization played a vital role in the creation of the Theresa Academy of Performing Arts and again in 2011 with the creation of the Theresa Pooled Trust. His efforts have helped thousands of people with special needs have a better quality of life for which we are all grateful for.

John will be receiving the Theresa Award at both the Theresa Awards Dinner on Abril 26th, and the NAELA Annual Conference on Mayo 2nd in Atlanta. John can be described as a tireless advocate on behalf of people who’s basic right’s have been violated. John has been serving seniors and people with disabilities through his work at Neighborhood Legal Services, his pro-bono work and his advocacy for disadvantaged people.

If you you would like to show your support for our honorees by taking out a congratulatory ad, attending the dinner, or purchasing raffle tickets, please visit

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