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Well, many lessons have been learned from Hurricane Sandy. To state the obvious, preparedness can make the difference between a disaster and an inconvenience.

For many this was a first time experience filing an insurance claim.  The lesson learned is that we need to pay attention to our insurance policies and fully understand what is covered and  not covered.  Expectations were high that the insurance companies would cover the damage done and provide sufficient funds to do the work.  As my brother found out, the insurance company depreciated the damage and hence he did not have sufficient insurance funds to make all the necessary repairs.

It was also a shock to me to find out that, although I had flood insurance on our house, we did not  have flood insurance on it’s contents. Thank God we were one of the fortunate ones not to have lost the contents of our home.

At the same time, we were not so fortunate when it came to our Theresa Building at 250 Lido Boulevard, home of the Theresa Alessandra Russo Foundation for children with special needs and my law firm (satellite office). The building flooded and there was no content insurance. Computers, furniture, art supplies, musical instruments and more were lost.

We thank all of our Theresa Foundation supporters and contractors who helped us re-open TAPA on Febrero 1st this year.

Comments (1)

  1. I have a home damaged by wind and flood in Sandy and my insurance company denied claim. Who in your firm could help me with action against my carrier?

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