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Presentamos a Robert McGuire, galardonado con el Premio Theresa 2016

Presentamos a Robert McGuire, galardonado con el Premio Theresa 2016Este año, en la Premios TheresaEl Fundación Theresa se enorgullece de reconocer a Robert "Bob" McGuire, Director Ejecutivo de Cerebral Palsy Nassau (CP Nassau), como uno de los homenajeados de 2016 por su compromiso continuo con la defensa y la sensibilización de las personas con necesidades especiales.

CP Nassau es una agencia sanitaria independiente y sin ánimo de lucro que atiende a más de 1.800 niños y adultos con parálisis cerebral y otras discapacidades del desarrollo. La Asociación, fundada en 1948, gestiona un completo Centro de Tratamiento y Rehabilitación en Roosevelt, Nueva York, que se ha ganado el reconocimiento internacional por sus programas innovadores y de alta calidad. Bob trabaja en CP Nassau desde 1982.

Bob feels very strongly about giving back to the program participants at CP Nassau, their families, and to his staff and volunteers. In a recent interview, when asked why, he simply stated, “If everyone were to only look out for themselves, it would be a pretty cruel world.” He is a no-nonsense kind of guy when it comes to people and children with disabilities. There is zero tolerance for not taking care of people in need.

Bob has worked to empower and motivate staff, program participants, and volunteers to work together to provide the best possible environment for people with disabilities and their families to live as independently and productively as possible in their community. During his interview, he stressed over and over again the importance of working together. He referenced a quote by the late Pete Seeger, a folk singer/songwriter: “I look upon myself as a link in the chain.” Bob then said, “I think we are all a link in the chain and if we don’t all have our links together, then we have a hole and the chain is broken.”Presentamos a Robert McGuire, galardonado con el Premio Theresa 2016

Doing “the right thing” is really what guides Bob in his position at CP Nassau. He said, “There’s no right way to do the wrong thing; it’s much easier to fight for things that you think are right and you believe in—it’s that simple.”

Bob, we are pleased to have this opportunity to recognize your efforts and the impact you have made within the special needs community.

Help show appreciation towards Bob and our other deserving honorees by purchasing journal ads and tickets to attend the 22nd Annual Theresa Awards. For more information, please call Kirrelle Freeman or Melanie Castillo at 516-683-1717.

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