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Tips for Charitable Giving

The holiday season is a busy time of year for charitable organizations to solicit support.

As long as there are individuals in need or causes to support, there will be charities that are worthy of that support.

But before you decide to help a charity, you should take the time to research the charity and understand its mission and objectives.happy holidays

The New York State Office of the Attorney General Charities Bureau has listed 10 tips to help guide someone who is considering charitable giving:

  1. Confirme que la organización benéfica está registrada en la Fiscalía General del Estado
  2. Sepa adónde irá su dinero
  3. No se deje presionar por los teleoperadores
  4. Solicite material escrito
  5. Desconfíe de las tácticas engañosas y los llamamientos emocionales
  6. Consulte a las fuerzas de seguridad locales
  7. Nunca dé dinero en efectivo
  8. Cuidado con las facturas falsas
  9. No divulgue información personal
  10. Tiene derecho a decir "no".

The bottom line – supporting charitable endeavors can be incredibly beneficial, provided the donations are used in the appropriate way.

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