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¿Asilo de ancianos?

I saw a bumper sticker that read, “Be Nice to Your Kids…They’ll Choose Your Nursing Home.” Being a parent myself, I laughed to myself for a moment and then I realized this is probably the case for most of us.

Selecting a nursing home – would your kids know where to begin? Do you?

Having to have these difficult discussions as a family is no laughing matter, as it is not an easy topic to discuss.

Just as you would do your research prior to purchasing a new car or home, you should do the same when deciding on a nursing home, for yourself and/or your parents!

There are 3 steps that you can take to get started:

Seek the services of professionals for guidance such as an elder law attorney or a geriatric manager.
Make a list of available nursing homes in your area – there

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are web sites that can provide you with this information.
Visit the nursing homes that you selected and have a list of questions on hand.

You and your loved ones deserves the best, do your homework!
Our firm has a team of experienced elder law attorneys that can help.

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