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John & The Paper Shredder – An Update

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I am most appreciative of the well wishes for John Winston. Many of you have been asking for an update. John is feeling like his old self these days. He is constantly seeking to explore and learn which sometimes can get him into trouble (as we know).

The doctor made a valiant effort to save his ear but unfortunately a good portion of his ear had to be amputated. It was a very trying experience for John and for all of us who love him. He hates the cone that he must wear but we are very thankful to the creator of the “cone” as he would rip the remaining ear off his head without knowing it. His hearing is unaffected and my wife, Susan, says that his new look gives him character.

George Oliver, his brother, has been very careful not to bother his brother or get in his way. He also didn’t want to sleep to close to him at night which was their routine prior to the incident. How thoughtful – until we realized that he didn’t want to be near John because he smelled. No baths for John until just the other day.

We can’t wait for the day that John is “coneless” and life for him and George return to normalcy if that is ever the reality in the Russo residency.

I am pleased that many of you have turned off or unplug your paper shredder when not in use so that this horrific event does not occur in the life of one your pets or worse, a little child (or grandchild).

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