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Healthcare Professional Round-Table Luncheon

This past Miércoles, Marzo 4, 2015, we hosted our quarterly Healthcare Professional Round-table Luncheon at Borrelli’s Italian Restaurant of East Meadow.

Healthcare professionals were invited to enjoy lunch with some of their colleagues, guest speaker, IMG_1609[1]Robin Marks, the Regional Director of Community & Resident Relations from Amber Court Assisted Living of Westbury, and the abogados of Vincent J. Russo & Associates, P.C.  Robin Marks was able to provide insightful information regarding the Medicaid-funded Assisted Living Program (ALP), how it works, and who is eligible for the program.  Robin was able to effectively portray the assisted living options available when someone needs care and is on Medicaid or is Medicaid pending.  Her numerous years of dedication and experience were apparent throughout her presentation.  Partner, Frank L. Buquicchio, Esq. mentioned whenever speaking with Robin, she never refers to her residents as patients.  She has a genuine interest with all her residents.

During the luncheon, partners, Vincent J. Russo, Esq. and Frank L. Buquicchio, Esq. were able to provide the healthcare professionals with the latest Elder Law and Special Needs updates, including the benefit updates for the 2015 year on Medicaid, Medicare, Wartime Veteran Pension, and Social Security.

Our Assisted Living: A Quality of Life Option presentation reassured the attendees that we are all working towards common goals, for the betterment of the community and to better the lives of seniors and people with disabilities.

Our firm hosts Health Care Professional round-table luncheons quarterly, varying in subject matter. To find out more information about attending our next event, visit our calendar of events on our website or contact us.



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