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Family Comes First: Fighting Addiction (Part One)

In 2014, over 21 million Americans age 12 and older battled substance abuse. Tragically, only 1 in 10 with a substance abuse problem receives the help that they need.  There’s clearly a drug epidemic in this country.  Families are being devastated by the opioid and heroin addiction, but there is hope!

On this brand new episode of Family Comes First, “Fighting Addiction: Part 1”, we hear from a parent, Eileen Boyle whose son, Timothy is fighting addiction, and her friend and advocate against drugs, Teri Kroll.  Also on the show, we learn about Talbot House, a resource for those struggling with addiction from the program coordinator, Toni DeFelice.

First on our show, we welcome Eileen Boyle.  Eileen shares with us how after the loss of her daughter from bacterial meningitis, her son Timothy became depressed and turned to cocaine for relief.  Eileen expresses, “we were blinded by grief so we were not aware of his use.  So all the signs and warning signs were hidden.” Eileen became aware of the problem from the way her son was acting.  She later noticed personal items disappearing and her husband’s guitar was sold at a pawn shop.  When she became aware of what was going on, she didn’t know what to do or where to go for help.  She then turned to her friend Terri Kroll who we welcomed on our show.

Teri, an advocate against drugs and friend of Eileen notes, “when it enters your own home and the first thing you have to do is decide that you’re going to be open and outgoing about it because if you’re not, finding help is impossible.  And so, then when you reach out for help, you reach out to somebody who has either experienced what you’re going through or works in the field and can help you navigate this treacherous road.”

Eileen sends the message to other parents who are going through a similar message, “What I don’t have to offer is the answer, because there is no one answer, every case is different.  What I can often suggest is never, never to give up on them…”

Next on “Fighting Addiction: Part 1” we hear from Toni DeFelice from Talbot House.  Talbot House is a 24-hour voluntary chemical dependence crisis center.  Toni expresses, “one of the most important things is for the family to know how to recognize that there is an issue and then to educate themselves on what is helpful to move the substance abuser into treatment or recovery, and then what is not okay and what leads them back into their addiction.” Toni goes on to share signs and tips to the family on how to help their loved one.

Tune in to Telecare on Martes, Noviembre 21, 2017 at 10:30 pm to watch this brand new episode. In case you miss it, each episode also airs on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm, Fridays at 1:30 pm and Mondays at 9:30 am.

We invite you to watch and be inspired! Family Comes First airs exclusively on Telecare TV – Cablevision channels 29 and 137; Verizon FiOS TV channel 296; or Charter Spectrum channels 162 and 471.

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