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2016 Medicaid Update

Commencing Enero 1, 2016, there are new Medicaid amounts reflecting medicaid eligibility. This is the third of a four-part series of updates for 2016.

Click here to read part one or part two.

 2016 Asset and Income Allowances Una persona   Two People
Nivel de ingresos *incluidos 20 $ de ingresos no procedentes del trabajo $  845 $  1,229
Nivel de recursos de Medicaid  $ 14,850  $  21,750


2016 Medicaid Transfer Rates for Nursing Home Care:  Monthly Rates
Condados de Nassau y Suffolk $  12,633
Nueva York $  12,029
Área Metropolitana Norte $  11,768


2016 Community Spouse Allowances Cónyuge comunitario
 Asignación mensual máxima por necesidades de manutención - MMMNA  $  2,980.50

Maximum Community Spouse Resource Allowance – CSRA

*greater of: $74, 820 or 1/2 of the married couple’s resources, not to

exceed $119,220 (excluding residence)

 $  119,220


To download the pdf version of this chart, click here.

If you found this information helpful, see previous posts on Medicare and Social Security. We will be posting a chart on Veterans Benefits next week.

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