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¿Hemos pensado en el futuro de nuestro hijo con necesidades especiales?

For parents of special needs children (either mentally or physically), passing control of their children to a stranger or outside health professional can be difficult. Many parents however, do not establish plans for their children should they become too sick to continue to provide care or pass away.

Many parents of special needs children or adults take on the responsibility of providing full-time care for their children and opt out of in-home social services for different reasons. Some may be uncomfortable with the thought of leaving their children with strangers and others are resistant to take part in government programs. Whatever the reason may be, it is imperative to research care options for their children for when they become unable to do so. Establishing new routines and environments for people with special needs can cause distress therefore, it is better to do so early on.

In order to prepare for the future, it is important to come up with a plan with an elder law attorney. Based on the mental capacity of your child, different options are available.  If your child does not have the capacity to make decisions, you will need to establish a guardianship to do so.  Again, to make for an easier transformation doing so earlier, in the parents’ lifetime would be beneficial.  Elder attorneys can help with pre-planning steps because of their expertise in financing for long-term care, leaving money to persons with special needs without hindering their eligibility for public health benefits, and planning for incapacity. To make for an easy transition for the child with special needs, parents should make plans for when the day they can no longer care for their child comes. Not only will it benefit the child and other family members, but the parent(s) can rest easy knowing their child will be cared for even when they are no longer around.

To gain a peace of mind, contact the office of Vincent J. Russo & Associates and start planning for the future today!  It is never too early when it comes to your loved ones.

By Marissa Kleiner-Guest Blogger

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